Quick change tapping chucks with integrated HFP Technology
Together with the Bilz quick change chucks and adaptors, the HFP system can securely monitor the right-handed and left-handed rotations. The high frequency transmitter integrated into the chuck reacts on the length compensation of the chuck which is pressed together while the safety clutch is engaging in the right hand direction and which is pulled out in the left hand direction.
The released signal is transmitted by the antenna to the HF receiver to stop the machine. To secure a safe signal under difficult conditions (e.g. while the tapping chuck is in the workpiece or in the device), the HF transmitter pulses the signal for 5 sec. The position of the chuck changes at this time while driving back in start position and the HF signal reaches the receiver securely.
The effective monitoring of the right hand rotation and the pulsing of the signal after initializing the tapping operation results in immediate detection of malfunctions. Scrap or expensive subsequent machining is avoided when using this system.